Cyber Liability and Regulatory Defense

MICA is committed to providing robust protection for our policyholders. Our Cyber Liability and Regulatory Defense endorsements are included at no additional cost, offering a comprehensive safety net for your practice. From cybersecurity threats to regulatory challenges, we've got you covered.

Regulatory Defense

Regulatory Defense

MICA’s Regulatory Defense coverage will pay Legal Expenses incurred due to a Disciplinary Proceeding as well as reimburse an Insured for covered Legal and Audit Expenses, Fines and Penalties, and Subpoena costs. Limits of liability of $25,000 per claim and $25,000 policy aggregate are included with your policy. Higher limits are available for additional premiums, subject to Underwriting approval. 

*This is a general description of coverage. For costs and complete details about Regulatory Defense click here, or please get in touch with MICA at 800-352-0402, or your MICA broker.

*Nevada Insureds: Regulatory Defense in Nevada does not include coverage for EMTALA proceedings and Stark proceedings (per statutory requirement).

Disciplinary Proceedings

We will assign counsel and pay legal expenses arising out of
qualified licensing board investigations and clinical privilege review actions.

Legal/Audit Expenses

Reimbursement of legal and audit expenses incurred as a result of ADA, billing error, CLIA, criminal, EMTALA, HIPAA, OSHA, or Stark proceedings, as well as tax audit expenses.

Fines and Penalties

Reimbursement for fines or penalties imposed as a result of ADA, billing errors, CLIA, EMTALA, HIPAA, OSHA or Stark proceedings.

Subpoena Costs

Reimbursement for costs to respond to subpoena.

Have a Claim to Report?



For General Information:

Our dedicated team of experts is always on standby to provide you with the assistance you need. So, don't hesitate to call the MICA Customer Service at 877-215-6422 or email us at

Cyber Liability Coverage

Cyber Liability Coverage

MICA's Cyber Liability Insurance offers comprehensive protection for your digital landscape. Cyber Liability Coverage provides limits of $100,000 per claim and $100,000 aggregate. Aggregate limits for an entity will increase based on the number of MICA insured physicians.

To learn how to mitigate risks with risk assessment tools, best practices, webinars and much more click here.

*This is a general description of coverage. For complete details about Cyber Liability Coverage click here or please get in touch with MICA at 800-352-0402 or your MICA broker.

*Nevada Insureds: MICA does not provide Cyber Liability coverage on policies with an effective date on or after January 1, 2024.


Privacy Breach Response

Security and Privacy Breach Legal Protection

Guard against legal and financial risks from security and privacy breaches. This coverage offers a crucial layer of digital protection for physicians.

Payment Compliance Protection

Payment Compliance Protection

Safeguard against legal expenses and fines arising from payment processing non-compliance, including violations of PCI DSS standards.

 Crisis and Post-Event Management

Crisis and Post-Event Management

Cover your bases before and after a privacy breach with expenses for legal advice, public relations Expenses, and cyber forensics to minimize impact and prevent future incidents.

Comprehensive Cyber Safeguard

Comprehensive Cyber Safeguard

Protect your practice from the multifaceted threats of the digital world. Our coverage spans from cyber extortion and losses from cybercrime to data recovery, offering a robust line of defense against a range of cyber risks.

Have a Claim to Report?

Have a Claim to Report?



For urgent matters that occur outside of regular business hours contact Tokio Marine HCC’s breach support team by calling 888-627-8995.


Please be prepared to identify yourself as a MICA policyholder and provide a policy number, if available, when you contact Tokio Marine HCC. The next business day, Tokio Marine HCC will contact MICA for additional policy information and verify coverage. Expenses incurred are subject to coverage verification